
V-log versus B-log

Ok, this whole blogging thing just might get out of hand. So I was told that people check out blogs with either a specialty focus, or ones that have a famous person writing or about topical issues, so if I wanted to get more people to "check this out" I needed to do some video blogs or vlogs.

So just like the tools of the trade that we need in order to make a film, the tools I need in order to get people interested in my blogs, would be the inclusion of video entries.

Which I can do.

I have access to a camera that we used on a short film shoot last week where I was the script supervisor. What does a script supervisor do you might ask? Well I did everything from running to get batteries for the wireless mics to helping with food at lunch, but those weren't anything that goes with that job.

A script supervisor works closely with both the Director and the Director of Photography. They help breakdown the script, listing out the various set-ups and locations that we will need to cover within that given day. I also mark down each scene that we shoot against my shooting script, log any specific changes or comments (like when we use a special lens or the shot is an insert) so when the editor gets a look at the footage, my notes will help them understand exactly what we were doing and any changes to expect. I also manage the continuity. So when an actor steps into character and the glass he is holding is in his right hand during the first take, and he tries to switch it during the fourth take, it is my responsibility to make sure we stay consistent with the continuity of the overall film, helping to keep the story intact and the characters more realistic.

As a film student, it is great to be able to do ALL the various jobs that are required, so I have a better understanding of what it takes to make a film, but even though my focus is on documentary projects, the lessons learned working as a script supervisor still apply.

Which brings me back to the lessons learned from starting this blog, I will do everything I can to show you as much of what I am doing as writing about it, so expect a vlog, coming soon to this here blog o' mine.

Pam out, 'til next time.

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